What Does the Ootd Mean?


What Does the Ootd Mean?

The most popular trend of 2010 has been the ootd. Ootds are like fashion statements; every one of us wants to be part of this trend. The ootd is the outfit that you wear to show off your personality. The ootd comes in many forms; from clothing, to accessories, to shoes, everything can be found in an ootd.

An ootd of today is an outfit of a day, where fashion bloggers post what clothes they wear over a period of one day. These are most commonly found on various social networking sites, like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, as well as many videos on YouTube. The ootd was first used by bloggers in Japan, where it became known as “sensei’s day”. Today, the ootd is more associated with bloggers in the English speaking world.

For a short time, Instagram included the ootd along with other popular trending hashtags. The ootd is usually associated with the #ogue tag, but it can also appear under other popular tags, including #hipster, #bbc, #squarespace, and #justgonewho. One of the best aspects of the ootd phenomenon is the fact that it is so easy to incorporate. A simple click of the mouse can bring up a number of options for your outfit, all organized neatly by brand, colour, etc. Whether you’re a fashion blogger or simply someone who likes to wear fashionable clothing, the ootd will help you make the perfect outfit on any given day.